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BBC micro:bit v2 Single (Board Only - Bulk Packaging) - 10 Pack

BBC micro:bit v2.21 Board Only (Bulk Packaging) - 10 Pack

$275.00 inc GST $258.50 inc GST

Includes 10x BBC micro:bit v2.21 board with Quick Start Guide - A pocket-sized codeable computer which is super easy to use and can be used across the curriculum. Find your BBC micro:bit Project Kit...

SKU: 57226901
Availability: In Stock Backorder Out of stock
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BBC micro:bit v2.21 board10x BBC micro:bit v2.21 board with Quick Start Guide - A pocket-sized codeable computer which is super easy to use and can be used across the curriculum.

Find your BBC micro:bit Project Kit & Accessories here!

You can do a lot with a BBC microbit but you can do so much more when you combine it with a microbit project kit and accessories. We've carefully selected project kits and accessories from world leading manufactures including 4tronix, DF Robot, ElecfreaksKitronikMonk Makes , Seeed and Sparkfun to create a one stop shop for you.

To help you find the perfect microbit project for your students or the vital missing component to finish your microbit project we've sorted our extensive range of BBC micro:bit projects and accessories into sub-categories. Click on a sub-category and then use the filters to narrow your search even more. 

Can't find what you're looking for? Chat With Us online, send us an email call us on 1800 634 050 our expert staff are standing by to help you.



  • Size: approx. 5cm x 4cm
  • Weight: 8g
  • Microprocessor: 32-bit ARM® Cortex™ M0 CPU
  • A 5x5 LED matrix with 25 red LEDs to light up and can display animiated patterns, scrolling text and alphanumeric characters
  • Two programmable buttons. Use them as a games controller, or control music on a smart phone
  • On-board motion detector or 3-AXIS digital accelerometer that can detect movement e.g. shake, tilt or free-fall and use it to control motion activated games
  • A built-in compass, 3D magnetometer to sense which direction you're facing and your movement in degrees and detect the presence of certain metals and magnets
  • Bluetooth® Smart Technology. Connect the micro:bit to other micro:bits, devices, phones, tablets, cameras and other everday objects
  • Five Ring Input and Output (I/O) including power (PWR), ground (GRD) and 3 x I/O. The micro:bit can read values from sensors and control things like motors or robots
  • 20 pin edge connector: This allows the micro:bit to be connected to other devices such as Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Galileo and Kano through a standard connector
  • Micro-USB controller: This is controlled by a separate processor and presents the micro:bit to a computer as a memory stick
  • System LED x 1 yellow
  • System push button switch x 1
Projects, Kits & Accessories

Find your BBC micro:bit Project Kit & Accessories here!

You can do a lot with a BBC microbit but you can do so much more when you combine it with a microbit project kit and accessories. We've carefully selected project kits and accessories from world leading manufactures including 4tronix, DF Robot, ElecfreaksKitronikMonk Makes , Seeed and Sparkfun to create a one stop shop for you.

To help you find the perfect microbit project for your students or the vital missing component to finish your microbit project we've sorted our extensive range of BBC micro:bit projects and accessories into sub-categories. Click on a sub-category and then use the filters to narrow your search even more. 

Can't find what you're looking for? Chat With Us online, send us an email call us on 1800 634 050 our expert staff are standing by to help you.