The super-smart Emblaser Laser Cutter team are just about to take the lid off a very cool feature. You can sketch a drawing on paper, then simply put it inside the Emblaser 2 and the camera will scan & trace your drawing, then you can simply engrave your design onto glass, metal, acrylic, wood or fabric.
Even though the workspace camera software is not quite ready, the emblaser team just couldn't hold back from showing us the amazing progress the LightBurn team has been making.
The left side image below shows the view from the workspace camera mounted in your Emblaser 2. The one on the right shows the result of lens distortion removed.

The following image on the right shows simulating the camera looking straight down onto the workspace.

Ultimately, this 'top-down' view will be displayed in the LightBurn workspace, allowing you to position your material or artwork together.

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