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Flashforge Adventurer 4 Pro First Impressions

Today we’re gonna be covering everything that’s new with the newly released Flashforge Adventurer 4 Pro 3D Printer.

Adventurer 4 Pro 3D Printer

At first glance this printer looks almost identical to the Flashforge Adventurer 4 which is great in my opinion because I loved the look of the original, but appearances aside this is not the same printer. Flashforge has made a few major upgrades to this machine including;

  • A new build plate
  • New fan structure
  • New XY axis structure
  • 30 point auto bed levelling
  • And two new nozzles!

These in my opinion are all great upgrades and we’ll go into more detail on the benefits of these upgrades in our next blog which will be a comparison between the Adventurer 4 and the Adventurer 4 Pro.

A big question you may be asking is "What is the print quality like?"

The Adventurer 4 was a very popular printer as it worked well, was easy to use and produced good quality prints. Now the Adventurer 4 Pro on the other hand, after some testing is definitively an upgrade to the original.

Adventurer 4 Pro Test Benchy Side ProfileAdventurer 4 Pro Test Benchy Front Profile

We were able to successfully print a benchy at 200mm/s with great quality in 38 mins which is very impressive for a Flashforge printer. A print with this quality on the original Adventuter 4 would have taken over an hour.

Flashforge Benchy Comparison

I have to say after comparing this print quality with other benchys printed on Flashforge printers, I’d say the print quality coming from the Adventurer 4 Pro is on par with the Guider 3 and Creator 4S!

I'm very excited to see what else this printer can do.

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