4tronix Bit:Bot XL Robot for BBC micro:bit
This product has been superceded by the 4tronix Bit:Bot Pro Robot for BBC micro:bit and is no longer available. Introducing BitBot V2, taking the much-loved BitBot to the next level. We...
Required products - sold separately

Introducing BitBot V2, taking the much-loved BitBot to the next level. We have made several changes, some subtle, some not so subtle, to give a much-improved experience of using and working with the BitBot.
4tronix Bit:Bot XL Robot Features
- Chunky wheels with rubber tyres for maximum grip
- Microbit mounted vertically
- Line sensors no longer share pins with the Microbit buttons - removes all Bluetooth pairing issues and allows use of buttons in your code
- Pen holder is fitted as standard. Mounted directly over the pivot point for better drawing
- Indicator LEDs added for line follower sensors
- Makecode extension has been changed so code is compatible with both Classic and V2 versions
- Buzzer now connected on Pin 0 so you can play music through it
- 2 micro-metal gear motors. Motor gearboxes fully covered (minimises fluff in the gears)
- Front ball caster
- 12x Smart RGB LEDs in 2 sets of 6 along the arms either side: Select any colour for any pixel, produce stunning lighting effects as your Bit:Bot moves around.
- 2x digital line following sensors: Code your own line-following robots and race them to see whose code produces the fastest lap time!
- 2x analog light sensors (front left and front right): Your Bit:Bot XL can be programmed to follow a light source such as a torch, or you could code it to go and hide in the darkest place it can find.
- 1x Buzzer: So you can make beeping sounds or music whenever you want.
- Powered from integrated (3x)AA battery holder with on/off switch and blue indicator LED
- Easily plug your BBC micro:bit in and out using the vertical edge connector
- Expansion connections at the front for accessories
- Dimensions: Approximately 10% larger in length and width than the Classic Bit:Bot
- Uses standard breakout connector for ultrasonic breakout
- 2x GVS outputs provided for potential servo usage with 5V power
Find your BBC micro:bit Project Kit & Accessories here!
You can do a lot with a BBC microbit but you can do so much more when you combine it with a microbit project kit and accessories. We've carefully selected project kits and accessories from world leading manufactures including 4tronix, DF Robot, Elecfreaks, Kitronik, Monk Makes , Seeed and Sparkfun to create a one stop shop for you.
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