Monk Makes 7-Segment Display for the BBC micro:bit
The 7-segment for micro:bit is a four digit 7-segment display for the micro:bit. You can use it to display numbers, letters and other characters, albeit with the limits imposed by the 7...
Required products - sold separately
The 7-segment for micro:bit is a four digit 7-segment display for the micro:bit. You can use it to display numbers, letters and other characters, albeit with the limits imposed by the 7 segments of each digit. Powered directly from micro:bit pins it can be used to send messages to the display using the micro:bit's serial blocks.
Monk Makes 7-Segment Display Features
- Easy to connect (just needs one micro:bit pin plus power)
- Powered directly from micro:bit pins
- Send messages to the display using the micro:bit’s Serial blocks
- Useful for displaying readings from sensors, making clocks
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You can do a lot with a BBC microbit but you can do so much more when you combine it with a microbit project kit and accessories. We've carefully selected project kits and accessories from world leading manufactures including 4tronix, DF Robot, Elecfreaks, Kitronik, Monk Makes , Seeed and Sparkfun to create a one stop shop for you.
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