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NEW micro:bit Python Editor

NEW micro:bit Python Editor Banner

The Microbit Educational Foundation have recently created a new micro:bit Python Editor which is designed to help students who are learning to code using a text-based language.

This new editor is available in multiple languages consisting of Chinese, English, French, Japanese, Korean and Spanish.

Python Editor Features

The software includes a lot of features to help students succeed quicker with text-based programming including;

Drag and drop code examples

Allows students to easily discover examples that they can then drag and drop into their code.

micro:bit Python Editor Drag and Drop Code Examples

Code structure & error highlighting

Intuitively learn the correct structure of coding and resolve errors.

micro:bit Python Editor Code Structure & Error Highlighting

Auto-complete code

Discover features, correct syntax, and speed up typing with auto-complete suggestions.

micro:bit Python Editor Auto-complete

Visual simulator

Including simulating buttons, gestures, light levels, temperature, compass, sound, radio, serial pins and data logging.

micro:bit Python Editor Simulator

Quick start ideas

The Ideas tab contains micro:bit projects that you can show your students, Each project has suggestions for customising and improving the code, which are perfect starting points for coding lessons.

micro:bit Python Editor Quick Ideas to Get Started

Things to be aware of

micro:bit v1 & micro:bit v2 compatibility

The micro:bit Python Editor works with both the micro:bit v1 & the micro:bit v2 however the simulator only shows a micro:bit v2. If you are using a micro:bit v1 be aware that some code may work on the simulator but not on your physical micro:bit.

The software also has code that is only compatible with v2 labelled "V2" in the reference section to make it easier to find which code will and will not work.

Web based software

The micro:bit Python Editor is a web based software meaning that you will require an internet connection and a web browser to access it. However once the webpage has loaded it will continue to work even if your internet connection becomes unstable.

Accessory compatibility

You can use accessories with the Python Editor as long as the accessory manufacturer has provided a Python module as a .py file. You can open this as a new file in the Projects section  (be sure to use the cog on the right to open it as a new file rather than to replace your main file). You can then import the functions from the module into your main code.

The old Python Editor

The old Python Editor is still accessible at https://python.microbit.org/v/2 however it will only be available until at least September 2023

micro:bit Python Editor V3

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